スペイン・テルエルで開催される国際的なフォトフェスティバル「TERUEL PUNTO PHOTO 2022」に出展させていただくこととなりました。TERUEL PUNTO PHOTOは毎夏に開催されており、15周年となる今年のテーマは「La Fiesta」。スペインをはじめ、メキシコ、イタリアなど世界のフォトグラファー12名と共に、唯一の日本人フォトグラファーとして参加させていただきます。


フェスティバルは2022/7/27から9/3の期間に行われます。僕の写真はClaustro de San Pedroという場所で展示していただきます(上のマップの7番)。展示の様子などの写真も送付いただく予定となっていますので、どのような反響があるかとても楽しみです。

I am excited to announce that my work will be exhibited at Teruel Punto Photo 2022, an international photography festival held every summer in Spain. This year, the festival’s theme is “La Fiesta,” in celebration of their 15th anniversary. I look forward to being involved in this event as the only Japanese photographer represented, alongside twelve other photographers from Span, Mexico, and Italy.

I initially received an offer from the festival’s executive team in March, and I have worked closely with them on this event ever since. My exhibition at the event will feature ten photographs of Japanese festivals, with a focus on the Kiriko Festivals of the Noto Peninsula. Unfortunately, I have yet to have the opportunity to visit Teruel myself, so I will only be able to imagine how my work will be received there; nonetheless, it has been a great honor to be a part of this international photography event.
